The Consider Today! Brand is a type of Life Coaching work encompassing a body of ministries based on Roman Catholic Teaching, Scripture, Faith, and Tradition.  Having a belief that mankind has forgotten obedience to God, love for God and each other, and that certain actions can be offensive to God and misaligned with His Commandments and precepts.  There is a desire to coach and present data and products in the national and world arena with actions to this belief and future growth where the Holy Spirit guides.  There is hope of leading and inspiring unified positive change related to knowing God, Relationship with God, Loving Him, and Serving Him.

By the state of affairs, we find ourselves in, I believe few recall we are born to know, love and serve God and as such, are called to love one another, as well as Him, our actions toward that end.  I believe mankind has been remiss in understanding and application of those things in the way we are treating each other and ourselves, and by some leaders who seek to deceive or manipulate mankind and diminish the sanctity of humanity by forsaking their God given moral compass creating and instituting Acts and Laws that are abhorrent to God.

Using unique branding to this work, it intends to foster love for God and harmony with Him in His Creation and Laws in His Church as founded by Jesus, the Messiah and true son of God; to affect others to think of their eternity when making laws, choices, and personal decisions without malice or desire to offend Him; to discipleship based on prayer, the Roman Catholic Bible and Apostolic Constitution of the church, being an instrument of healing as sacred scripture directs, through Jesus Christ, as God’s will determines.  The mission has a wide breadth and depth, with a humble need of heavenly grace.  The vision of a worldwide synergism between God’s will and man’s will, that the Holy Spirit will renew the face of the Earth, that the flock will return to the fold (John 10: 16) through the only gate (John 10:7, 9), and the entities goals, clarify what is hoped for – being all in glorification of God.

I encourage you to review the website often.  It’s an evolving work in progress.

It’s important to note the operating plan and code the company endeavors to follow is based on God and the Natural Moral Law defined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (ccc #1950 – #1960)1 as “The light of understanding placed in us by God; through it we know what we must do and what we must avoid” (ccc #1955)2.  Further, that “God has given this light or law at the creation” (ccc #1955)2.  As a Catholic company, we acknowledge The Authentic Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church which is an apostolic succession of the See of Peter3 where we are called to be faithful servants of God, and as such, in faith, trusting in the infallibility of the uncompromised decrees of Faith and Morals.  Scripture, Faith and Tradition are the foundational cornerstones.

In our human nature we forget about the inheritance of eternal life that is meant for all of humanity.  We often make choices we thought were good or the right thing to do at the time, discovering later it was not.

Imbedded within the ministry of this work in association with the branding statements above, is an outreach to lead (in the form of coaching) mankind to think and act in the direction of light and their eternal life with the one and only true God; to expose worldly ways of living that offend, taunt and mock God (often promoted by entities living in the shadows to manipulate behavior mingling truths with untruths/ its recognition so as not to be beguiled and diverted from God’s plan for each person), suggesting and promoting better practices.

This work is simply dedicated to God, The Creator of Heaven and Earth and all therein; to glorify Him and as an Act of Love to Him and my fellow man.  I entreat the Merciful, Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Loving, Immaculate Heart of Mary for their grace and assistance for the works success, as God wills it – and in the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (His and our Holy Mother).

I think of this work as being a ‘Spiritual Companion’.  This Christian Spiritual Life Coaching is based on Catholic Teaching within the elements of Scripture, Faith, and Tradition and forward movement where the Holy Spirit and God lead it.  Its action promotes spiritual ethics, works and products in Catholic Christian Spirituality.

All Praise, Honor, Glory, Blessings, Power, Thanksgiving and Salvation to God; the Creator of all, the seen and the un-seen; Creator of the World and all that is Therein; The Great I AM; He Who Is . . . The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

1 Second Revised Edition of the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church pgs. 526-529 Doubleday.2pgs. 527-528 Doubleday.
3Matthew 16: 13-19. Jesus, recognizing God’s hand – obediently serves God; establishes church, and authority in succession of Peter.